MB Crusher: the environmental future

The constant renewal of buildings, both public and private, the redevelopment of numerous industrial areas, reclaiming of brownfields and generic urban development bring to light the problem of the management of construction and demolition waste.
At present, construction and demolition waste (C&D) accounts for 30% of all waste material produced in Europe, this percentage unfortunately increases in other continents.
The disposal of C&D waste at landfills dumps is causing major environmental concern, because, truth to be told, inert waste is not a problem for construction sites. It is, and must be, considered a resource.
The aggregate market produced by C&D, for instance, see fit its reuse in road works, pipelines, creation of new homes, yards and industrial buildings.
This is why MB is so adamant to raise awareness and encourage companies to recycle waste from C&D. Because recycling produces new material. And this material replaces the raw material that is usually extracted for new processes. Therefore recycling preserves the environment and its natural resources.

Recycling is the future.
And since 2001 MB crusher has been designing and manufacturing attachments 100% Made in Italy that represent the solution.
Each and every unit made by MB allow the recovery and recycling of inert waste at low costs and with minimal environmental impact.
MB Crusher units permit to manage the complete recycling cycle on site, simplifying the operations of crushing, screening and handling of aggregates.
They are cutting edge machinery able to contain dust, reduce noise thus in line with the logic of the circular economy.

MB Crusher core business are the: Jaw Crusher and Screener buckets for excavators, loaders, skid steer and backhoe from 2.6 to over 70 ton.
Compact machines with low noise impact, in compliance with the provisions of the "ISO 3744" and the machinery directive 89/392 CEE. On the bucket it is possible to install a magnet kit, to gather the iron after crushing and sieving.
And also a dust control kit, a patented system that, fitted to the bucket, sprays water on the material and damping down dust.
This is exactly what makes MB Crusher stand out and be the hailed solution: on site there are always excavators, or other heavy machinery, and with MB units with only one machine, material can be treated.
Distance from site to the disposal and treatment points became irrelevant, as material can be treated directly on site.
Cutting down transport has a strong environmental impact, as well as, facilitating logistics in areas with lots of traffic or access restrictions.
There are still numerous benefit for forefront companies that will grasp an Mb Crusher Units.
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