Why choose MB Crusher to carry out important road engineering projects?

Why choose MB Crusher to carry out important road engineering projects?

The project awarded a few months ago to the Turkish giant of the construction industry Yuksel Insaat is a very big project indeed, which will engage the company in the building of the ‘Riyadh Rapid Bus Transit System’ (BRT) in Riyadh, part of the mega project, the King Abdulaziz Transport System plan.

The project envisages the rehabilitation and modernisation of 22 km of roads, the building of 17 stations for the Bus Rapid Transit System and various works for the construction of pedestrian bridges. The new lines dedicated to the public transport system will lead to a significant reduction in urban traffic – many lanes will, in fact, be dedicated to buses only – and a more efficient and more easily accessible public transport service. So there will be less private transport and more public transport. The project should be completed within 24 months of the site being handed over to the Turkish company. [http://www.arabnews.com/economy/news/758361]

Why choose MB Crusher for the implementation of important road engineering projects?

Why choose MB Crusher for the implementation of important road engineering projects?


The combined use of MB Crusher crusher buckets and screening buckets makes it possible to recycle, prepare and produce materials originating from various work processes, in order to re-use them directly on-site or sell them later.

The immediate re-use of the material generates savings also in terms of sustainability and environmental protection: infilling can be done and new constructions made using the very materials already existing on-site, without having to resort to materials outside the territory

If we consider a road construction site, we can see how the concrete the advantages of using MB products really are: the materials generated by the demolition of an old road, or extracted from digging operations can be reduced and screened in order to be immediately re-used for the making of the new roads, the infilling of trenches or channelling. Thanks to its range of options, the MB crusher bucket can be rapidly regulated to feed out material of the dimensions selected. Once the material has been crushed to the grain-size required, the material can be easily cleaned using the MB screening bucket, which is equipped with baskets made of interchangeable modular panels, available with holes of different sizes depending on the customer's requirements. So material which used to be labelled as waste has now become a resource, thereby generating extra earnings for the company.

Additionally, the compact dimensions and low noise level of MB Crusher products compared to traditional crushing machinery, allows companies to work even on sites where space is scarce, all in extremely safe conditions. And that’s not all! The extreme compactness and low centre of gravity of MB machines allow a better balance with the excavator, significantly reducing strain in the arm. Also maintenance operations are very quick and simple, thereby optimising time and costs during work processes on-site.

Why choose MB Crusher to carry out important road engineering projects?

Why choose MB Crusher to carry out important road engineering projects?