Benne Frantoio

Testimonials MB

Discover what our customers say about their experience with the products MB.

A ‘’clear’’ pre-treatment to recycle glass

“A ‘’clear’’ pre-treatment to recycle glass ”


The screening bucket beats the traditional ways

“The screening bucket beats the traditional ways”


Having a crush with [on] the Digger Girl

“Having a crush with [on] the Digger Girl”

United kingdom

Recovering concrete pumping washout made easy!

“Recovering concrete pumping washout made easy! ”


MB Crusher jednovaljkasta freza je savršena

“MB Crusher jednovaljkasta freza je savršena”


The MB Crusher drum cutter is perfect

“The MB Crusher drum cutter is perfect”


The jaw crusher bucket is ONE OF A KIND

“The jaw crusher bucket is ONE OF A KIND”

South africa

Sa Sijačicom MB Crusher provjereno ne plaćaš ništa, iskoristiš sve i … još naplatiš!

“Sa Sijačicom MB Crusher provjereno ne plaćaš ništa, iskoristiš sve i … još naplatiš!”


With the MB Crusher screening bucket you don’t pay anything, you use everything and... you also get paid!

“With the MB Crusher screening bucket you don’t pay anything, you use everything and... you also get paid!”


Fun testing experience with a rotating screening bucket

“Fun testing experience with a rotating screening bucket”


Problem solved in South Africa by replacing 3 machines with 1

“Problem solved in South Africa by replacing 3 machines with 1”

South africa

Svenska företag som valde MB Crushers krossskopa som det enklaste och mest miljövänliga alternativet

“Svenska företag som valde MB Crushers krossskopa som det enklaste och mest miljövänliga alternativet”


Swedish companies have chosen MB Crusher bucket as easiest and most environmental choice

“Swedish companies have chosen MB Crusher bucket as easiest and most environmental choice”


Naravno da ćemo preporučiti MB proizvode svima

“Naravno da ćemo preporučiti MB proizvode svima”


How to avoid the cost of stockpiling oversized materials

“How to avoid the cost of stockpiling oversized materials”

United kingdom

Krossning av svensk Bohusgranit

“Krossning av svensk Bohusgranit”


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