MB Crusher: Powering Progress in Railway Construction


In a significant development aimed at advancing the construction of the West Bengal-Sikkim railway line, the construction of the "Rangpo" Railway terminal station is currently underway as part of IRCON's Sivok-Rangpo Railway Line. This ambitious project seeks to establish a crucial connection between the Indian states of West Bengal and Sikkim, facilitating improved transportation and connectivity in the region.

As a pivotal element of this groundbreaking initiative, a renowned railway contractor has embraced cutting-edge technology from MB Crusher to enhance the efficiency of the construction process. The utilization of the advanced BF70.2 model has proven instrumental in the transformation of abundant Rock Boulder Masonry (RBM) and hill stones into essential construction materials. This innovative approach signifies a paradigm shift in stone utilization practices, ushering in a new era of sustainability and resource optimization for the railway construction project.

In a strategic move to maximize the efficiency of stone utilization, the railway project developers meticulously evaluated their needs and the available equipment before selecting the MB Crusher BF70.2 model. This decision reflects a commitment to excellence and resource optimization, ensuring that the project's objectives are met with the highest standards. Leveraging their existing fleet of seven JCB215 Excavators and breakers, the project has begun to reap the benefits of this technological integration, achieving significant progress just 2.5 months post-installation. This successful collaboration between advanced technology and strategic decision-making underscores the commitment to innovation and efficiency in the West Bengal-Sikkim railway line construction project.

Explore the MB Crusher model to elevate your construction projects


MB Crusher's Technology Achieves Unprecedented Stone Output and Eliminates Manual Labor:

Unprecedented Productivity: Witness the project's impressive output of 100 mm and down stones at a staggering rate of 7 dumpers per day, resulting in a remarkable 105 cubic meters of material daily.

Eliminating Manual Labor: Prior to MB Crusher's intervention, the project would have heavily relied on manual labor and traditional rock breakers. The machines have not only streamlined the process but also significantly reduced dependence on manual workforce.

Discover how MB Crusher eliminates manual labor, ensuring precision and efficiency in stone utilization.


Client Satisfaction: After a thorough evaluation, the project developers express their utmost satisfaction with the performance of MB Crusher's machines. The testimonial reflects the machines' vital role in exceeding project expectations.

