How to work on the construction site with easy to understand instructions
A brief manual for the construction site, written with the help of MB Crusher customers.
What are the most suitable machines?
How can I cut costs?
How can I do the job more efficiantely?
Is there a way to also exploit the waste material?
How can I organize my construction to maximise safety?
These are just some of the questions that companies seek an answer to. Especially during this time where regulations are more restrictive, we must work with strict safety protocols.
This is where the idea of collecting all customer experiences came from. By making the information readily available we helped companies better their operations. The opportunities and solutions that the attachments can offer and what equipment can be enhanced with their use.
Here are our customer’s experiences who work with MB Crusher products!
Good site management helps with efficiency and productivity.
Like our client did.
In Luxembourg, on the construction site for the new building for the European Union, a BF120.4 crusher bucket and an MB-S18 screening bucket, installed on Kobelco excavators, crushed and separated material directly on site, then took the material from the demolished Jean Monnet, to build the new Jean Monnet 2, a 22 story tower.
The BF120.4 jaw crusher processed 9,920 US ton of demolition material, ensuring a daily productivity rate of 550 US ton. The MB-S18 screening bucket separated and cleaned the material to speed up the crushing process. They practically created a recycling station inside the construction site.
Limiting the coming and going of material means saving money and also reducing traffic around the construction site.
How? Install MB Crusher’s units directly to your operating machine.
How our customers did it:
A Friulian company has contracted different jobs for the Civil Protection force and organized a construction site in record time during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The job site's 16 yd height difference didn't allow the construction of reinforced concrete containment walls so they needed to find an alternative way to contain the escarpment.
How did you decide to proceed?
With the removal of the previous barrier and the construction of a new one made of wood and stones.
- How were they going to bring the drainage gravel to finish the job when the construction site is more than hour away from the suppliers?
- How was material going to be transported on site, given that the site is located on the open countryside, and in a remote and hard-to-reach place?
By installing the MB-S10 screening bucket on a mini excavator already present on site, they screened and cleaned the material extracted from the previous barrier and by crushing the stones with an MB-C50 crusher bucket. Then used the screening bucket again to obtain regular sized and clean pebbles to make a state-of-the-art drainage system.
Material ready to use on site at zero cost, elimination of hauling fees and a drastic reduction in processing time. Easy!
An American company was working in Montana, with major logistical and supply problems due to a high altitude jobsite. They found a great solution to their material disposal issues by using of a BF120.4 crusher bucket.
Transporting the material downstream to a disposal center would have been too expensive and would have impacted the construction site’s schedule; with MB’s crusher, they crushed the material directly on site and used it as base for the construction of a new road.
What used to take them two hours, now they can do in 15 minutes.
The recycled material can be immediately reused on site for fill, new construction, and other jobs. Or it can be put back on the market and sold.
How did our client do it:
A company in Germany installed an MB-L200 crusher bucket on their wheel loader and cleared the construction site from waste, inert materials and iron, by simply maneuvering the machine from the cabin. They practically created their own recycling center on site and introduced a new service for their business. Now, they take deliveries of other inert materials to be recycled with their crusher. Cheap and easy solution.
Recycling the material directly on site also means not being dependent on third parties, becoming independent means cutting costs.
How did our client do it:
Before purchasing the MB-L140 crusher bucket, a company in Australia bought the material from an external supplier, this meant:
- purchase costs;
- transportation;
- job time;
- third party companies.
They then installed an MB Crusher unit on their Bobcat and turned it into a real crusher.
Now they recycle the material from the demolished houses and reuse it on other construction sites, as a method of preventing contamination as required by Australian building permits. Not only that, but they are also building 1 mile of private road without additional costs, reusing the crushed material as road base.
It’s easy to be independent!
With the crusher bucket, it’s possible to crush the material to the size you need, if there is rebar, you collect it and put it in a separate pile. Avoiding extra steps significantly reduces accidents and extra costs.
How did our client do it:
Thanks to the BF90.3 crusher bucket, a company in Denmark has reduced the possibility of accidents.
A nice, tidy, and organized site with no scattered debris garantys a greater operational fluidity. They even crush the material to their desired size for sub base material directly onto the bed of the truck.
In one easy step!
MB Crusher products are an investment that:
- pays for itself in a short time;
- does not weigh in on the transport costs of the fleet;
- they are simple to use;
- require little maintenance.
Easy! What else?